
Fever Pitch

Ok, I just watched Fever Pitch. I have to say, I'm not a fan. Not only do I not like what's his name from SNL, but I'm starting to get annoyed at Drew. Believing that she worked in that job was a tough sell. Anybody else watch this atrocity? Please no one tell me that you liked the movie.


jason said...

I wasn't that impressed either. While I do like what's his name from SNL I thought it was pretty plain.

Does anyone else think that the romantic comedy genre is really falling into a pretty predictable rut in terms of plot? I thought this was shown out in Wedding Crashers too (which is more comedy than romance, but still is the predictable plot of the genre).

Hey, something I have seen recently (not romantic comedy) that is pretty good, To End All Wars. Check it out today. And then let me know what you think.

yellowinter said...

sorry, but i liked it. i guess maybe that's why they call it the "chick flick." i liked all the boston scenes and all the humor that you can appreciate more because you're in boston. but then again, i generally like a lot of romantic comedies. now did your wife like it?

Alyosha said...

She liked it okay. I just don't think what's his face is that funny--although there were a few funny scenes. I certainly did enjoyed seeing familiar places around town,though.