
Jury Duty

So, I had jury duty today. All this amounted to was going to the courthouse and sitting in the jury pool before getting called into a room where I was not chosen to serve. I'm a little disappointed in how my attitude degenerated, though. Last year I was selected for jury duty, and thus should have been exempt this year. However, I did not have proof that I served then, so I showed up anyway. Besides, I have hoped that I would get chosen this year so I could perform my civic duty. When I arrived there today that's still how I felt--excited to serve. Yet the negativity been to seep in as I overheard all my fellow potential jurors gripe about what a waste of time this was and by the time we were excused for the next three years, I was actually glad that I wouldn't have to serve. Very sad. I'm sure my dad would be disappointed in me too. Maybe next year, when I get called (because they always forget who's been called), I'll show up again without proof of past service and actually be ready to serve. Bring on that homicide case!

1 comment:

yellowinter said...

are you a crime show junkie like me? maybe you should come down to new jersey and be one of the jurors on my trial. ;)