
Tuesday Tidbits

Here's a couple more great columns by David Brooks.

On escaping the mundane.

On a brewing spiritual battle.

And a friend just passed along a Times article on today's Ireland, a must read. Check out the slideshow. For my money (figuratively and literally) experiencing pub life is the best part of visiting Ireland. Check out the article here.

1 comment:

yellowinter said...

ahhh, my other fave columnist. :)
the second one about brewing spiritual battle makes me halt. i've actually been thinking about that lately after having read "eat pray love." you know, oprah recommendation. parts of it were benign and enjoyable, but the rest were pretty alarming. seeking God becomes realizing you ARE God. i haven't read her latest choice, but seems like it's along the same lines... so interesting how increased sensitivity to spirituality is finding its outlet through mysticism.