
Last Night's Debate: A Great Cure for Insomnia

Politico makes an accurate assessment of last night's debate: "The Worst Debate Ever." I am so disgusted at the obvious pandering from both sides, not to mention the obfuscation. If my enthusiasm for McCain was tepid before, it is downright cold now. And about the "nonresponsiveness," Harris and Vandehei make a nice point:

"The candidates are stumped.

When Sarah Palin dodged questions with scripted messages and folksy one-liners in her debate against Joe Biden her nonresponsiveness was often glaringly obvious. With McCain and Obama, you have to print out the transcript and read carefully to fully appreciate how they glided past sharp questions. Because both have gone through dozens of such encounters over the past couple of years, and because Obama in particular is an exceptionally fluent speaker, their answers can sound plausible — even when the fog machine is going full blast."

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