
Thursday Tidbits

The Times reports on Pakistan's admissions regarding the Mumbai attacks here. Let's hope that Pakistan's cooperation is indeed that and not mere machinations designed merely to soothe international concerns and protect members of the ISS or military.

In other news, Haaretz details a discovery of coins from the Second Temple Period here. From the article:

"In ancient times, the inhabitants of the Land of Israel and its environs would raise pigeons in underground caves. Called "columbariums," the caves had small niches, in which the birds laid their eggs. Over the years many columbariums have been unearthed at ancient sites around the country, particularly at those containing finds from the Second Temple period. A few days ago, archaeologists made a most surprising find at the bottom of such a columbarium, at a site at Kibbutz Ramat Rachel near Jerusalem - a hoard of coins from the time of the destruction of the Second Temple (70 C.E.)."

Michael Bird touches on a couple interesting topics: (1) The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science and (2) scholar R.T. France's thoughts on Inerrancy and N.T. Exegesis (with attention to 1 Cor. 10:4).

Finally, I thought I would mention this post by Duane Watson on the confusion between beer and urine, since I plan to sample some (the former) tonight.

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