
Peggy Noonan on . . . Anything

I love Peggy Noonan. There's something about her writing that is at the same time personal and profound. Agree or disagree with her point of view--I agree most of the time--you know that it is worth serious consideration because she's the person who espouses it. She has a way in drawing out and highlighting the essential human component in a story that is often held captive to political interests. Of course she's not averse to commenting on politics--she has, after all, served in Republican administrations--but she seems genuinely to attempt an analysis of a given issue at its root level. You know that if the party strays fr om its principled stand on that issue for political reasons, she will call it like it is. Check out her column in today's Wall Street Journal to see what I mean. (HT: Real Clear Politics)

1 comment:

Nate said...

peggy noonan is my favorite female author bar none. she's brilliant and an amazing writer. you have to read when character was king. its a great book