

Currently I'm reading Philip Yancey's book on prayer and am receiving good profit from doing so. These last few years this--prayer--has been difficult for me owing to a variety of reasons. It's not always (though sometimes) a matter of making the time for the discipline; often the problems involve feeling distant from God and latent anger or frustration.

I'm considering instituting into the pattern of my life regular times of prayer throughout the day and have even toyed with the idea of utilizing a prayer book. I'm open to hearing other people's thoughts on the subject, including practices that work well. What I like so far about Yancey's book (and all his books, for that matter) is the forthright acknowledgment that all the puzzles inherent in prayer may be unsolvable, but justification enough for the practice thereof may be be found in the fact that Jesus--who experienced the same things we do--prayed. For this reason I want to pray and understand the experiences of others. Please share.

T/K: Meditating on God--a lost art?


yellowinter said...

it's so sad, E. the first two months of N's life, i couldn't help but pray almost every moment of my days. now, i find myself slipping into my laziness.
when it comes to prayer, or the lack thereof, i think of what someone had said once. prayer is one of the greatest barometers of our faith. if we really believe in the power of prayer, how could we not but pray... that's a huge indictment against my little faith.
i had something else i was going to add, but now it escaped my mind. scary.
thanks for sharing this. it helps me to be reminded that i indeed ought to go before Him.

Anonymous said...

You need to get in the habit of praying at several set times during the day (maybe 5 different times). To make it a little more comfortable you could carry around a small roll of carpet to use when kneeling in prayer.