

Yes, we finally did it. It felt a little weird clicking the box, but now there's no turning back. We're off to Ireland! Now let's just hope our passports come in before we're set to leave. I know it's not very adventurous of me, but what I'm looking forward to most is visiting the Guinness Storehouse and the countless pubs that I hear litter the city center (or is it centre) of Dublin. I am open to suggestions of other places to visit, though, so let me hear them if anyone out there has been to the land of my roots.


jason said...

woah, that is pretty cool man. When are you guys going?

Alyosha said...

early march

Nate said...

eric this is weird but daniel is going to ireland on march 1st and will be there for just over a week. supposedly his professor knows Bono and is going to get an invitation to meet the rock god himself.

you should meet up with him and share a pint.

yellowinter said...

wow, a chance to meet with Bono. c would die if you got to meet him. i'm so excited for you guys!!! you'll have to take lots of pix.
and could i still borrow "atonement" when p's done with it? no, i haven't read the other one. is it fiction?

Alyosha said...


You can probably borrow Atonement now, as Ping seems to have lost interest. (Maybe it was because I told her what happened at the end. Hmm.)

Yeah, "Love in the Time of Cholera" is fiction. Is that a prerequisite?

yellowinter said...

no, well, maybe. i don't know. i REALLY would like to be able to finish non-fiction, but i've had a hard time with that. anywho, i can wait until ping's done. and NEVER, ever tell me the ending. i hate spoilers. did we ever tell you about star wars - empire strikes back. yup, i was one of those crazy kids who didn't know about the special relationship between luke and darth vader. go figure. ;)

yellowinter said...

where art thou, my friend? i hope you're not sick again. :( :)

Alyosha said...

No, R., just been watching ice dancing. Kidding. Been really tired. Maybe I'm still trying to get over this stuff. You guys been researching Paris?

Anonymous said...

Should be an exciting time! Just in a few days!--Ping