

So, I've noticed lately a number of odd things that I do. Perhaps this is due to old age. And if so, at least I can be appreciative that I'm aware of my descent into senility. Please chime in with your own odd behavior if you can determine that such exists (ask a friend, spouse, or family member if not; trust me, it's best to known). Here's just a couple of things I noticed last week:

1) I'm really beginning to talk to myself. Out loud. About random things. A lot.

2) I'm hording napkins like the world is ending. Not quite sure why, but any chance I get, I stuff my pockets with 'em. My pants pockets, my shorts, and even my jackets. Why?


yellowinter said...

alyosha, these symptoms do sound like they are coming from an old, old man. ;)

talking to yourself thing, well, my hubby is GREAT at that. i always get a little worried that he might do that outside of our home in front of other people. now, you don't do that when you're not alone, right? otherwise, we wives may need to intervene somehow.

i'll have to think about my weird habits. i'll get back to you. may need to confer with the spouse.

Resa said...

Maybe the napkin thing stems from a fear of public bathrooms being out of TP. Recently on a trip to Urban Renewals, they were sweet enough to let the pregnant lady (that would be me) use their "employee only" restroom only to find out (after peeing) that there was no TP and.. no paper towels! Good thing I had a napkin in my purse!