

What does the future hold? In May, P. and I will have (theoretically) completed our respetive academic programs. (Much to my chagrin, she will be a "doctor" and I will be only, well, a "master"; actually, master sounds more important. Don't you think?) At that time we will have to make some decisions about the next few years and possibly beyond. I've never been good at making decisions, especially big ones. For being the big picture kind of guy I claim to be, I sure am pretty devoid of big plans.

My style of leadership in marriage is to make ad hoc decisions and then work feveriously to provide some sort of rationale that commands assent. A friend of mine graciously put a positive spin on this by noting that this is what makes us so flexible. (Thanks, Jas.) Unfortunately, I think this is really a reflection of my inability (unwillingness?) to sense God's will in matters. Long ago I latched onto the idea propounded by another friend that God's will is something worked out in our lives as we walk with him, and not a plan to that he always reveals to us. There is much truth to this--though my wife doesn't like this concept--but perhaps in my life this has become an excuse for doing what seems right to me.

And what seems right to me, or my desires, are part of my decision-making rationale. Because I am so much a prisoner of my own thoughts, I can't seem to access the mind of God, and thus am only able to fall back on dreams. These dreams I then deem to be desires that God has placed on my heart. You can see how this works; it's all very circular. (Yet another friend, upon hearing my doubts about my own "dreams theory," advised that I trust but verify--though scripture and prayer. Why can't I come up with such advice?)

All this is to say that I have a bad history when it comes to big decisions, and several are on the horizon. I (we) want our decision(s) to be grounded in God's will--whatever that means. The temptation is to be moved by practical concerns which, in my disillusionment with the way of illusion (idealism?), sounds like a safe and pretty nice way to make a decision at this point.


Resa said...

Will be keeping you both in our prayers as you struggle through these decision-making processes. :) Take care!

yellowinter said...

i remember sitting on the pew around the time of college graduation, at which time i was faced with what seemed like an insurmountable challenge of making a decision about my future. i wanted God to show me His will, hear that voice from above, so to speak.
then, i heard the preacher say that many times, it's not about listening to a voice, but the process of making that decision according to Scripture. that is itself doing God's will, and in the process, as you said, we will work out(?) God's will... it's in my head, but i can't seem to put it down.
i can only imagine the daunting task of making such huge decisions.
c and i can make them for you guys. just move down to philly. westminster is a great school for you! ;p
all joking aside though, c and i will be praying for this decision with you. just trust that God will use you no matter what. these decisions are important, but also give yourself freedom to see things in eternal perspective. we love you guys~
(go EAGLES!!!) ;p