
NY Times Strategery

Ha ha. I couldn't help but laugh at Drudge's astute (ok, obvious) observation about the NY Time's 2008 presidental strategy: "Now That He's Secured Nomination: NYT Downloads on McCain." That's it, endorse McCain and then slam it. Here's the article by the Times. Enjoy.

If I was running for president, I think I would want the editors of the "Paper of Record in this Country" (as Chris "Hardball" Matthews likes to call it) running my campaign. Joe Scarborough thinks the Times piece may in the long run end up helping McCain by galvanizing the base. Already Hannity and others are rallying behind the "maverick." In the long run? I'm not so sure.

On a happier note, no teaching today due to "hazardous driving conditions." So hazardous that I will drive much farther to get to my German class this afternoon. Who's complaining, though? Certainly not I or my apathetic students!


yellowinter said...

now are you taking a german class or are you teaching it? if it's the latter, had no idea that you spoke german, dude. forgot all mine from high school. :( :)
as for mccain story, it's interesting indeed. heard about it last night on cnn, and then watched morning joe to hear scarborough and matthews, as well as buchanan talking it up. but if nytimes was really trying to put a blow to mccain, wouldn't it have made sense to release it before his nomination was inevitable, or before the general election in fall? dunno. i've become a junkie now, so i don't know how this would play out on the average consumer... kinda sad, since it is my paper of choice. now with a second major scandal within the last five years. :( :)

Alyosha said...

maybe before the general election, but not the former. they would certainly have preferred mccain over the more conservative romney. even more, though, mccain would be less likely to command general support from republicans and thus, come november, be endangered.

not sure why they didn't wait until right before novemember. perhaps hoping that a protracted accusation-denial period will weaken him more substantially than would an even more obvious "gotcha" right before the election.

don't get me wrong: i enjoy reading the Times most of all the newspapers, but at times like this it's hard to deny when they have an agenda, any more than is the case with Fox News when they come out with something.

p.s. yes, taking a German for reading knowledge course and loving it.

yellowinter said...

you are a born scholar, alyosha. i had thought maybe i'd be one, when i took the two least "practical" languages in high school - latin and german. :)

yeah, there are a lot of questions on this article. do you think they really had in mind to intentionally malign mccain and ruin his campaign? ugh, i really hate to go there... i have to admit though that they failed to cite the other side of the story, which they seemed to have info on... i know that there is no "objective" paper, but it is really disappointing... there's an article on new republic i heard was good. haven't had a chance to finish reading it yet. gosh, i wish i were this into the scripture...

anyways, we're going to find out tomorrow or monday whether the decision will be made for us to leave for boston. will let you know.