
Ethiopian Super Natural

I'm off to class but before going I wanted to put in a good word for the coffee I had this morning. When I was in Peets Coffee the other day, shopping for my drug of choice, I noticed that a new bean was being featured--Ethiopian Super Natural--hailing from the Yirgacheffe region. I'm a big fan of Yirgacheffe beans in general, so I put up the extra cash ($18, I think) for this limited offering. This is terrific coffee. Very smooth with a slight cherry flavor. If you have access to a Peets Coffee and Tea store near you, I recommend you try this coffee.


Anonymous said...

Let me know if you want to go personally pick some ethiopian beans. I met the wife of a fairly famous film director http://www.bamako-film.com/ on a flight from from Lima to Sao Paulo. She extended an invitation to visit ethiopia. Can you send me a bag-o-beans.

Anonymous said...

She is Ethiopian by the way.

Alyosha said...

i'll send some back with mom and dad.

Alyosha said...

oh, and I would love to go pick some beans--that is, in the absence of any civil wars.