
Shift in Jordanian Sentiment?

Athena at Terrorism Unveiled observes a shift in opinion among Jordanians about Al-Qaida. She makes an distinction between sympathy for and aid to Al-Qaida in Jordan. Certaintly the former is not excusable, but it's at least a little more understandable, especialy given the distorted picture that Arab governments and media have been feeding the public about the nature of the West (read, "America") and its ambitions in the region. Individuals do bear responsibility for buying in to such distortions and outright lies, but it's often difficult, given the lack of freedom to voice dissent and openly debate issues related to the fundamental nature of their own governments. Sometimes, regretably, it takes a harsh event like the recent bombings in Amman to clarify for people the end game of destructive ideologies.

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